- Life is like a sheet of snow, be careful how you tread on it, 'cause every mark will show-

Monday, October 3, 2011

Like Water on a Ducks Back...

The world is full of negative people- people that put you down, people that tell you you're worthless, people that say you can't succeed, people that let you know that they want to see you fail. We've all heard the phrase 'let it slide like water on a duck's back', but if you're anything like me, you would have never paid heed to this powerful statement.

Often in life we stop doing something that we love or are incredibly talented at, because somebody tells us that we can't succeed. Somebody plants a seed of negativity into us, and we let it grow instead of letting it slide like water on a duck's back. We need to somehow develop this ability to let negativity slide off us and let encouragement and positivity soak into us.

What if we all grew a shield to negativity and stopped allowing negative comments to enter our lives, what if we let it slide like water on a duck's back and didn't stop doing what we loved because of something that someone said? If we did that, we would have a strong, confident culture. We wouldn't have people that were unsuccessful because somebody said they couldn't do it. We would be successful, we would be everything we wanted to be. We would be positive people.

So be a duck and let it slide; because if something doesn't build you up, it's not worth letting into your life- because you are worth more than what someone thinks.

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