- Life is like a sheet of snow, be careful how you tread on it, 'cause every mark will show-

Sunday, September 4, 2011

When the going gets tough...

'When the going gets tough, the tough get going' it says. Sometimes, life knocks us down, pulls us apart and beats us up. We fall and we can't seem to get back up again.

Life has a way of overwhelming us. It makes things tough for us, makes us hurt, cry, break and grieve. It gives us hard decisions to make, it seems to complicate things and stress us out- as if we aren't stressed enough.

The 'stuff' in life comes at us in waves. Sometimes it's quiet and the tides are peaceful and calm- everything is how it should be. At other times, there are raging currents, pulling us this way and that, tearing us apart, pushing us around- things are tough but we gotta keep swimming. The weird thing is that the harder we kick and the harder we try to get ourselves out of rough situations, the harder our life seems to get. We just have to keep paddling, keep a tame mind, don't stress and know that God has all things under control. 

In my opinion, I think that the hardest thing to do when you're in the middle of trouble is to let go- to give all our worries to someone bigger than us and to just trust God. Why? Because I believe that God totally controls our lives- He's got us in His hand- and somehow, in the midst of tragedy, we seem to think that it's God's fault that we're in a muck. 

So all I wanna say is keep going, keep swimming, keep paddling and just keep on keeping on...